
April 22nd, 2009

Breakfast: None ( ... this is starting to be a bad habit :( )

Snack: 12:00 Atkins Bar

Lunch 2:00 2 pork sirloin chops

Dinner: 2 pan fried pork chops and a side of Kraut. ( Breading: Bob's low carb flour mix, Parmesan cheese, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic salt and some salt) Salsa and sour cream sauce.
For dinner I wanted something different so I breaded some pork sirloins in low carb breading and pan fried in olive and canola oil. I then mixed the last of our sour cream some salsa and lime juice to make a sauce.
Over all it was a very tasty and satisfying dish.

4 件のコメント:

Low Carber さんのコメント...
Harry/JP さんのコメント...

That dinner does "sound" tasty. Come to think of it, I kind of miss breading. :-)

Why do you think you're missing breakfast? Too busy? Not hungry?

Low Carber さんのコメント...

ah I am too busy..but I forced my self to eat breakfast this morning :) Also, I think I am going to drink a meal replacement shake for breakfast.. :)

The problem is I bought 4 cans of the Walker Diet (LC) Mix when I bought an order of LC supplies in January.. but I just dont like it.. the Atkins shakes were rather good.. and I was thinking along the same lines but they are definately diferent.

Have any hints on making them taste better??

Harry/JP さんのコメント...

I've never tried the Walker Diet shakes. What don't you like about them? Are they too strong tasting? Too sweet? Not sweet enough? What flavor do you have?

For instance, if you have vanilla and don't like it ... you can try adding pure cinnamon powder to it. Other options may be to add some coconut milk or heavy cream to mellow out the flavors and/or make it creamier.

If you have the chocolate flavor ... you can possibly add a bit of peppermint extract or coffee to alter the flavor.

Heck, I've even added a little pure (canned) pumpkin (with no added sweeteners) to my vanilla shake - along with some "pumpkin pie spice".

Just a few ideas. :-)

PS - In the USA there are manufacturers that make different flavored stevia - grape, lemon, orange, root beer, strawberry, etc. That may be another option.