
April 26th, 2009

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs, with leftover BBQ pork. (almost gone :) )

Snack: Atkins Bar

Lunch: 3 MacDonald's hamburger patties and 8 shiyomomo yakitori from street vendor and the chicken was free range chicken (chicken on the stick-thigh meat that is seasoned with salt & pepper and then cooked over coals) I chose this rather than yakitori that is dipped in "tare" (usually a concoction of soy sauce, Mirin, Sake and brown sugar) in other words loaded in carbs.

Dinner: Spicy Steak( marinated in garlic, paprika, cumin, cardamon, nutmeg,salt & pepper and freshly squeezed lime juice) and a side of sauteed spinach and kraut.
Just another lazy day. Hope you all have a wonderful LC week :)
Dessert: Strawberries n Cream sweetened with a pinch of Stevia :)

1 件のコメント:

bayoubabe さんのコメント...

the menu looks great ! I must have missed your comment the other day... i did not receive the 'automatic' reply in my gmail account, sorry, you can always privately email me


Congrats to he steak cook off !