
April 19th, 2009

Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with cheese

Snack:Atkins Bar

Lunch: BBQ ribs (recipe posted)

Dinner:1 chicken breast some sliced pork BBQ and a largish salad (Pictured)

Well, I had all that good sauce left over so I figured I would put it to use..I threw three chicken breasts and 1 k of thinly sliced pork into the left over sauce and cooked it for 20 minutes.. it was good but next time I will add some more stuff to the sauce to make it a little more potent.. the sauce was found lacking the second time around..I figure if you are going to use the sauce twice you had better add some more chili pepper or hot sauce and vinegar to brighten it up a tad..and maybe a little more sweetener of choice :)

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Looks absolutely great!