Breakfast: 3 eggs with cheese and bacon
Lunch: Pork sirloin steak and broccoli
Snack: Atkins Bar
Dinner: Yakiniku Broiled meat and veggies
Water: over 64 ozs
Exercise: none
Sups: Fish oil(EPA & DHA), glucosomine, Vital Complete Multi-Vitamin Pack
Meds: 1 81g Aspirins
12 年前
5 件のコメント:
Hi Low Carber, I just looked over at your weight ticker. You have lost 154 lbs so far! That's an awesome accomplishment!
Great job amigo! This blog is such an inspiration.
Good morning. Hang in there! Would you tell me how to make Salsa.
your lovely wife jun.
I hope all is well with you.
It's been a while since you last posted. Is everything okay? Just busy? If so, I completely understand.
I hope to hear from you soon. You are indeed a great inspiration, as SheZug mentioned earlier.
Keep on your personal track to success! You've come so far!
My best to you and yours.
Hi Low Carber, hope all is well.