
Is there a hole big enuf???

Well, I had a free day today so I thought I would go check out some gyms around town. Unfortunately, I only made it to one and it was a nightmare!! The gym that I chose to go into was running a promo..no entrance fees, first month free and free tour and guidance to begin a program. At first I was very excited, it was a very nice modern gym with everything that I wanted. (variety of classes, pool, free weights, treadmills and bikes, etc)

I go to the front desk and talk to the receptionist telling her that I am thinking of joining their gym and that I would like to take the tour and have the guidance session. Up till this point there was a big smile on my face.. then I meet the trainer that was doing my guidance session and tour. As soon as she saw me it seemed that she was sick.. in other words disgusted about my size. We toured the facility and then went back to her office for the guidance session.

After I sat down in her office she asked me, "Why do you want to join our gym?". I replied," I am looking to get in better shape to help me lose weight." She then began to lecture me.. you have high blood pressure, you are fat because you eat too much, you can't exercise, your arteries are probably clogged etc.. I was shocked. I did not know what to say really. Then she went on to say that I could not join any of the classes, I could not use the treadmills because it would be unsightly and basically the only thing I could use was the free weights.. but then she made sure to insinuate I sweat too much with the comment.."you need to bring my own towel to wipe the sweat and smell off the equipment!" She said I would not be able to use the showering or locker facilities either.

She said she would not waste her time making me a training schedule, as "You will never follow it anyway!" was thrown in my face. I asked her, " So in other words you just don't want me here??" and she replied, " You disgust me!". At that point I got up and walked out of her office.
The manager and receptionist were at the front desk and politely asked me how my tour and session went. I was at a loss for words so I just kept walking and manager followed me into the parking lot. He asked me if I was going to join. I turned red around and said,"No, your trainer says I am to fat to exercise and that I am disgusting!" "Goodbye!"

You know the really sad part about this is my blood pressure is not high, it was getting close (145/83) so not so bad. This trainer totally wrote me off with out really finding out about me. She never gave me a chance. So it looks like I will be doing a lot of laps around the Jr high track that is right next door.

7 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

OUCH! That was harsh! I hope you don't let that discourage you.

Low Carber さんのコメント...

Well, I was pretty upset to be honest but I know what I need to do. I will continue to move forward and maybe in a couple months I will go try to find a gym to work out in.

Thanks for the comment :)

Harry/JP さんのコメント...

What a completely unprofessional and insensitive person (that trainer is)!

I wish you had given the manager a full rundown of what the trainer said to you. That's totally unacceptable!

I'm really sorry that happened to you. But just know that it says a lot about who SHE is, not who you are.

Please don't let this get you down. Don't give her that kind of power. She doesn't deserve it.

Low Carber さんのコメント...

You are right. It just gave me that much more fuel to lose weight more..

I will keep going :) I can't wait for my scale to show up so Ican know how much I have lost.. I am down 4 belt notches and so I just need to keep going :)

bayoubabe さんのコメント...

That person needs to be fired !! Oh my !!

But I am glad that you perservered and just brushed it off at the moment. THAT SCENARIO would be enough to make your blood pressue go UP>

Have you thought of joining a gym , one that also has a SWIMMING POOL ? I can't wait for out pool to open. For one I cannot, and do not know how to swim and they have many hydro therapy exercises to help loose weight. Try looking into that. I envy anyone who can swim. You think with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it would have be the #2 thing on my list to do ? (#1 loosing weight).

Situations like this only make YOU the better person. Pray for that woman... she needs it.

Congrats on your waist size. I cannot even tell you what mine is. Even after loosing 30 pounds, it seems the waistline is the LAST thing that wants to shrink on me... =(

After three kids and a recent hysterectomy, perhaps THAT is why.

Blessings, you ARE the better person. :)


Low Carber さんのコメント...

Hehe Yes. bayoubabe I have. the one I went had a great pool. The problem in this area with pools is that they are geared for young people and they really dont have classes like we would find at say the YMCA in America. They only usually teach you how to swim and worse they have strict dress codes.. men must wear speedos during the free swim times.. errm sorry that is a huge turn off for me :(

I was raised in the water.. my parent owned a Scuba diving shop hehe so I love the water :) The ocean is 30 minutes away but it is too cold hehe need to wait a few more months :)

Thanks for the comments.
ps.. after a surgery like yours.. it is sometimes dificult to get your stomach back the way you want. My mother and both sisters and wife.. all used pilates to get theirs back.. something you might try :)

bayoubabe さんのコメント...

LOL I never had a stomach like mine is NOW in over 20 years. The 'new tummy'.. well, its still got the swelly belly from the hysterectomy. but looks a lot better at 134 pounds.

I was in a size 14-16 before the 30 pound weight loss. That WAS a LOT for a 5'4 " 164 pound vertically challenged gal.