I am an American living in Japan with my 4 beautiful children. As I started my new lifestyle I was really struggling with the fact that two biggest parts of the diet meat and dairy are extremely expensive( 10 oz steak is about $30.00 and 1 quart of cream is $23.00 not to mention cheese hehe) here in Japan. I was in a quandry as for what to do for low carb foods like wraps, shakes etc. I placed an order to Netrition for almost 200 dollars....1/3 of that was shipping and I have come to the conclusion that I was wrong on both accounts.
I am in Japan, so I should use what I have here and easily available. I am very lucky as I can buy chicken cheaper than the states ( about 5 lbs breast meat deboned for $7.00) and my new favorite shirataki noodles which I can get on sale for about 58 cents a bag. :) As well as a plethora of cheap fresh low carb foods like daikon, bok choy, pak choy, spinach, fresh greans,sprouts and tofu, and that is what I am going to and have been eating. Eggs are also relatively inexpensive and the area I am living in is famous for free range chickens. :) I can also eat locally raised pork that have been raised entirely on sweat potatoes and another that has been raised on mushrooms and the by products of making sake and shochu. ( all natural foods btw no chemicals added)
I happy to say that my quandry is no more. As I move forward I will be posting more and more recipies featuring asian cooking and shirataki. I hope all that follow this blog will get some new ideas from my menus and not feel that they have to be special food to live this lifestyle as it can be done any where. :)
7 件のコメント:
Your philosophy about using what's available sounds wise. As many people have noted, we must choose dietary options that are sustainable.
Tell me, is your diet/menu satisfying for you? Do you feel pretty content from a taste standpoint or do you frequently miss what your budget won't allow?
I know that I've reached a point where I rarely miss what I can't/shouldn't have - because of carb-content or price.
I'm finding your blog interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thanks. Actually, yes it is very satisfying as it is ever evolving. In the beginning, I was eating a ton of chicken. But I have found more variety and that variety increases all the time.
My biggest problem in the beginning was I am a fairly good cook...( I teach cooking hahah) because I was limited in what i could make. Yet, now I do not feel limited and my creative side is in over drive so I am no longer bound by budget or limited food choices.
I think you will find more and more recipies in the future in my blog and I am going to post my meals by the week as soon as I figure out the best way to do so.
Thanks for reading!
Its sounds like an exciting an incredible adventure. Keep up the great work.
How old are you ? What type of exercise are you doing ?
Take care.
Hey LowCarber,
I found your site off of Bayoubabe's. I'm looking forward to your recipes.
Sounds like your a man with a plan. Looks like a good plan too. Thanks for sharing.
Hey watch out for New Vision, he's always checkin this suuthern gal out. :)
I cant wait to hear what this person has to say and the recipes they share, and living in JAPAN< Oh my :)
Sorry meant to say "They ' are always checking in on my site :) It's a long day for me // Hey New Vision -- what up ??? LOL :)
LOL bayou babe. I am laid back and mellow wishing I was in the big easy at times... so no worries.. I knew what you meant. I am 38 years old and I have set up my execise plan with walking first, increasing the length and rate as I go( slowly) I will be introducing weights on my 2 month anniversery( in two weeks) and from there I will move on to some classes to keep me interested. My plan kinda changed due to some unforseen circumstance that I will share more with on my blog by friday.
And thanks for your all the comments. Will try to keep new recipies up.. have two new ones ready to post today. Enjoy :)