
August 29th, 2010

2 eggs omelet with cauliflower herb puree and a small green salad with spinach, celery and red cabbage

Planned off plan excursion for my daughter's birthday at a local Chinese Restaurant

1 Bratwurst, cauliflower puree and a pork and brocolli stirfry

Faux apple cobbler with a dollop of whip cream sweetened with stevia

I will post the recipe for this new healthier desert as soon as I perfect it. I am still trying to get used to the different Stevia options. So far I must say that I have been rather disappointed.. I definitely miss my Lankanto S that I could get in Japan. If anyone has a favorite Stevia feel free to share :)

3 件のコメント:

Anne H さんのコメント...

Netrition always has wonderful things.
I like the DaVincy syrups but they have Splenda.
Hope it gets easier for you!

Low Carber さんのコメント...

I agree they are a great resource for people watching their carbs. I love the Davinci syrups..a splash of D here and there and everything tastes better :)

Retta さんのコメント...

The stevia I use the most in cooking is from NOW brand, their white powder extract stevia.

I also love the liquid flavored stevias from SweetLeaf. They come in little 2 oz eyedropper bottles. These both are at Netrition.

The faux apple cobbler sounds interesting... I recently made one that sounds similar, using zucchini. It was wonderful! I think I got the recipe from PJ at Divine Low Carb.
